Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Elizabeth is 15

Elizabeth had a birthday at the beginning of the month.  She requested a tea to celebrate.  Her big sister Grace fulfilled that request with a full spread of tea sandwiches, quiche, shortbread and of course, tea. Elizabeth was tickled, as were the little boys.  The rest of us didn't complain either.  We all enjoyed the homemade New York cheesecake, which Elizabeth prepared with her Grandma Dianne, for dessert.

Our Lil' Bit is growing into a lovely young lady.  She has a great sense of humor, which is only on display every once in a while, so it tickles the funny bones of her family members to a greater degree than one that is used frequently.

This year Elizabeth has found that she enjoys making pottery.  She seems to have a knack for it, which doesn't surprise any of us.  She took one pottery class in the fall and has just begun another one. Elizabeth has thrown, glazed and fired numerous pottery pieces.
She made me another soap dish for my kitchen sink to replace the fifteen year old one that recently broke. She even improved on the design of the original by adding drain holes.  She also made a platter for her sister Grace for Christmas.  She made it by pushing an old doily into the clay.  It's very pretty.

Elizabeth has adopted our neighbor's horse.  She visits Shawnee frequently and takes her treats.  She also brushes the horse and gives her loves, which she is very happy to receive.

Liz is a natural with baby Joseph.  She seems to sense what he needs before he needs it.  I know she'll be a good mother one day.  Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!

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