Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mr. Jude Turns 3

Jude turned three last Friday. That means we've lived in this house for a little over three years. Amazing. Time flies when you're having fun (and when you're chronically sleep deprived).

Anyway, Grandpa Tom and Grandma Jane came down on Friday for Jude's birthday dinner. Then on Sunday, Jude's godparents, Floyd and Peggy, helped us celebrate a second time. Jude was pretty happy with that arrangement because one of his favorite things to do in the whole wide world is blow out birthday candles. Usually, it's someone else's birthday candles, though, which doesn't go over very well. This time he got the candles all to himself.The biggest birthday surprise of the weekend didn't actually come to Jude, but to his Momma and Daddy. For weeks before his birthday, we told Jude that once he turned three, he'd be a very big boy and he wouldn't need his beloved binki any more. Every day, multiple times per day, we repeated this fact to him.

So when the whole family was in the kitchen on Friday morning doing the traditional Macduff birthday dance to the Beatles' song, "Birthday," Grace grabbed the binki out of Jude's mouth. Well, that kinda put a damper on the festivities, at least for Jude. His whole countenance fell. He came to me and put his sad self into my lap and mourned the binki, but by the end of the song, he was up and dancing again.

I fully expected Friday night to be very long and extremely painful for this Momma (the memories of Lydia and her break from the binki still haunt me). I knew Daddy wouldn't give an inch on the binki and I figured Jude would be crying and begging to get it back. Guess what? Jude didn't even mention the "b" word and he slept through the night without any problems. He even slept through the next two nights after that without any problems and he's been doing fine at nap time, too.

Whoa, you can teach old parents new tricks. Who'd a thunk it?

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