Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mutton Bustin'

Both Joel and Jude participated in the mutton bustin' event at the county fair this year.  Jude had his turn first.  The young men who helped to get the kids on the sheep asked Jude if he wanted to ride solo.  An assisted ride basically means the sheep is kept from running by the sheep handlers.  Most of the kids opt for an assisted ride.  However, Jude wanted to ride solo.  Then the announcer asked Mommy & Daddy's permission for a solo ride.  We said, "yes."

I could tell by the look on Jude's face that he was scared, but there was no way he was going to back down.  He's just that type of kid.  He's rock tough.  So the men opened the chute and Jude came bustin' out of the gate riding his sheep.  He made it about half way across the arena before he fell off.  He was excited to get a "Mutton Bustin' Champion" blue ribbon and to have his face covered in saw dust.  He wants to ride again so that he can get a total of two blue ribbons, just like his big brother Joel.  (Grace put her fast action shots into video form.)
Joel rode next.  He also rode solo.  I really didn't think he would want to ride again this year after the tough time he had last year.  However, he was not about to be outdone by his younger brother.  So he rode again.  He had an awesome ride.  He made it across the full length of the arena--the best ride of the session. He was even congratulated by several onlookers.  I think Joel felt like he got a little restitution, which was good for his ego.  In true cowboy form, though, he didn't show too much emotion--just the teeniest upward curl of his lips could be detected.

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