Thursday, September 19, 2013

Grace is 18

Who can believe that this little girl . . .

has turned into this young woman?


Her parents sure can't.  It seems like only yesterday that Grace was running around the back yard in nothing but her pink rubber boots.

Daddy and I had big plans on Grace's birthday to take our girl and the rest of the family on a picnic at a park to which we haven't been in years.  However, the weather didn't cooperate with those plans.  When we saw the storm clouds gathering, we quickly decided on an alternate arrangement.  I finished preparing the food while Matt and Paul got the play house ready for a (very) intimate dinner for ten.  The guys even put table cloths, candles and fresh flowers on the tables.  We all were able to squeeeeeze into the play house moments before the thunder started.

As the storm raged outside, we enjoyed our picnic sandwich, grapes and Bible time with Daddy.  The kids were thrilled (with the exception of Jude, who is scared to death of thunder).

We dodged raindrops to get back into the house after dinner.  Grace is practicing making wedding cakes (she'd like to make a wedding cake for her aunt), so she made one for herself for her birthday.  Grandpa Bob and Grandma Dianne joined us for cake and presents.  Paul gave Grace a nice knife--surprise, surprise.  Grace does like it.  She keeps it in her skirt pocket so that it's always handy.
Grace has many interests including music, gardening, knitting, sewing, baking, photography and theology.  She's the official photographer of this blog, as well as the official picture uploader and all around help-Mom-with-anything-technical person.

Grace is also a loving big sister.  She's got a sizeable job being the oldest in such a large family, but she does it with patience and grace.  Her Daddy and I marvel at the young woman the Lord has produced in spite of us.

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