Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Joel's First Tooth

Joel finally lost his bottom front tooth.  The tooth had been very loose for a number of weeks.  I encouraged him to keep wiggling it back and forth to get it out.  He didn't want to do it.  The new tooth grew in while the baby tooth was still in place.
 So Lydia decided to take things into her own hands.  She marched into my bathroom one day with a stool and needle nose pliers in hand.  Joel was right behind her.  Lydia had convinced Joel that her plan would work, that he would indeed finally be free of his first baby tooth.  I said, "No way," before she commenced with her amateur dentistry.  If that girls isn't a Dean.

Anyhow, Joel eventually got that tooth out on his own about a week later.  He was pretty proud of himself.

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