Thursday, May 1, 2014

Carnage & Encouragement

Our family attended the homeschool conference this past weekend.  While we were away, ten of Paul's chickens were killed by some sort of animal.  An eleventh chicken died of her injuries several days later.  One day it's chickens, the next it's feathers.  The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  The egg production has been cut in half.  Matt will be looking to replace the lost chickens with new chicks, but they'll take six months to reach maturity and start laying.  If it's not one thing, it's another.
On another note, I was greatly encouraged by the talks given by Kelly Crawford at the homeschool conference.  She wrote a summary of one of the talks she gave at the conference on her blog, Generation Cedar.  If you're a momma, check it out here.


The Wieselers said...

I have a few chicks that still need a home, and are quickly outgrowing my garage! Do you guys want them? I have 6 that aren't spoken for. Let me know and next time I'm in town I can drop them off.

Matt Macduff Family said...

Yes! That would be wonderful!

The Wieselers said...

Perfect! The only problem is that I'm not sure which are hens and which are roosters.... But I guess that's what freezers are for.
I'll call next time I head that way.