Thursday, July 24, 2014

Gracie's Graduation

Matt and I can officially say we've graduated our first student from our homeschool.  A couple of weeks before Grace's graduation, I commented to a friend (a veteran homeschooler who has graduated several of her children) that I regretted never having had a "perfect homeschooling" year in all of the years we've home educated.  She just looked at me and giggled, nodding her head up and down.  Then it dawned on me what a silly thing it was I had just uttered.  Praise Jesus, that He works through our weaknesses and brings glory to Himself despite the fact that "perfect" homeschool years don't exist.

On June 20, 2014, we had a small celebration to honor God and our Gracie. We invited Grace's grandparents, her godmother (Auntie Em) and a few other family members to our house for a Korean feast. Grace remembered a time way back in the day when I made Bulgogi for one of Matt's birthdays.  She wanted that dish for her graduation meal.  We also made Bibimbap, Asian cucumber salad and sesame noodles. I bought kimchi from the local Korean restaurant.  For dessert, we had a traditional family favorite of Texas Sheet Cake and Grandma Dianne brought her famous Scottish shortbread.

After dinner, we retired to the living room for a simple graduation ceremony.  Both Matt and I expressed to Grace how proud we are of her, not because of anything she has done, or anything we as parents have done, but because of what God has done in her life.  From the time she was a very little girl, the Lord has nurtured in her a true and real faith in Himself.  Nothing--absolutely nothing--could be more important to us as parents as that one fact.
Grace, as always, has more plans for her life than what she has time for.  (She may or may not get that tendency from her mother.)  Right now, she's working on my Uncle Keith and Aunt Leanna's farm.  She's also getting a little photography business going and is busy learning all she can about gardening, sewing and marketing.  Her long time dream of attending cosmetology school looks like it will be fulfilled beginning this Fall.

(Photos by Essence Photography)
The little girl whose drawing project in the first grade started our family on an epic adventure is now a grown woman.  Her Daddy and I are amazed at all that God has done.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 
3 John 1:4

Photos by Essence Photography

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