Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Serving Up Cheer

We had a crummy time of it last week, so I woke up on Friday morning determined to bring a better mood to the house.  I whipped up a batch of America's Test Kitchen pancakes and put them on the griddle in the shape of snowmen.  For eyes and buttons, I used the blueberries that Matt so painstakingly picked in July.  The same blueberries that I so painstakingly picked through, washed and froze for winter use (there were a lotta weeds in those buggers).

The kids were tickled.  I got the "Mom of the Year Award."  Since I could only fit two snowmen on the griddle at one time, folks had to wait their turn to taste the culinary delights.  Jude claimed his snowman as it baked on the griddle.  He had one critique of his chosen creation, "Mom, his eye looks funny."  One blueberry was decidedly bigger than the other, giving the snowman a rather deranged appearance.  I swapped the snowman's eye for a button that was more proportionately pleasing and Jude was happy.

As I baked the snowman pancakes on one griddle, I had protein pancakes for Matt, the big girls and me going on our other griddle.  I scurried between the two griddles, ladling and flipping.  Joel said, "Wow Mom, you've got quite the operation going here."  Yep, the story of my life, son.  The story of my life.

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