Sunday, March 8, 2015

Puppy Update

Rachel Raspberry the Puppa Wup is getting bigger by the hour, or so it seems.  She's getting used to her routine.  About an hour before each meal time, she sits down on the floor and looks up to the top of the fridge where her chow is stored in an old ice cream bucket.  Then she looks at her bowl (way on the other side of the kitchen), then she looks at you.  She might even let out a few yelps to make sure her point is made.

In between meal times, Rachel loves to run around the back yard with the kids and to take naps.  Her favorite snooze spots are the ever present pile of clothes in front of Lydia's dresser and the rug by the sliding glass door.
 The day we brought Rachel home, my mom gave her a big bag of doggie toys that her dogs were no longer using.  Honestly, I thought some of the toys, especially the squeakers, where dumb.  However,  Rachel loves them all.  My mom also brought a doggie pillow which Rachel adopted as her own from the very start.  I'm pretty sure Rachel would not tolerate her kennel at all if it weren't for that pillow.  Lesson learned-- never question Grandma the Dog Whisperer.

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