Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Double Trouble

We made it through the weekend without having to visit an urgent care facility, although we opted out of the activities we had planned. Matt and Grace went to church on Sunday while I stayed home with the rest of the kids. We had hoped to take a forty five minute drive Sunday evening to attend a family integrated worship service with some other home school families, but had to pass on that as well. We didn't feel like we could show up to a place with a whole bunch of people we'd never met and say, "Hi, we're the Macduffs and here are our six sick kids." (Elizabeth finally started sniffling a bit on Sunday.)

The two little boys were still pretty out of sorts yesterday, so I decided to take them into the pediatrician. Sure enough, they both have ear infections. Not a great way to start out the winter, especially when it's not even winter yet. We're praying for quick healing--poor little guys--they've been pretty miserable. Matt and I thought we were functioning on the smallest amount of sleep possible. Guess what? We can function on even less, if you can call it "functioning." By the grace of God, this too, will pass. Learning to release my little ones to God is not easy. I need to learn to trust that He can take much better care of them than I can, after all He created them and they are His.

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