Friday, May 20, 2011

Mission Accomplished

We completed homeschool testing for the 2010-2011 school year today. Good news: our kids were not deemed legally stupid. They've all made good progress in their studies this year and their Daddy and I are very proud of them.

We ate lunch at Dairy Queen (thanks Scott, Katie & kiddos!) after the kids finished their tests. It was a good thing Jude was wearing his yellow rubber boots because he was an ice cream dripping machine.

Grace and Elizabeth decided that our celebratory dinner should include pasta alla carbonara. We used real Parmigiano Reggiano and Paul's farm fresh eggs to make it. It was delish and well worth the carb load. We enjoyed homemade brownies for dessert (thanks Sande!), popped popcorn and watched Secretariat to cap off the day.

Tomorrow we'll all be participating in a clean-a-thon as we have family coming for lunch after church on Sunday. It'll be the first time my grandmother has seen Isaac. It's a good excuse to get the house spiffed up a bit. Our niece and goddaughter, Raphaella, is being confirmed on Sunday so it'll be time to break out the party hats and praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness to her. Woo hoo! God is good!

1 comment:

strawberry_kid said...

We did our homeschool testing yesterday too. One on one with Camille James using the mini-battery test. Opal and Lian chose to eat at Rosie's Diner for their treat. I agree, it is stressful!