Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Activities: The Sacred & The Secular

Friday night Matt, Grace, my dad and I went to a performance of Handel's Messiah. My dad and Grace got there early enough to procure us good seats. Matt's mom and some good friends sat beside and behind us. The church in which the performance was held was packed, as it was the last local performance of the Messiah after a three decade long run (boo to budget cuts).

My dad, the classical music buff, had never heard a live performance of the Messiah before and neither had the rest of us. I just sat back and let myself be bathed in scripture for nearly three hours. The soloists were all excellent (my dad and I agreed that the bass and alto were the best) and the choir did a very nice job as well.

We were really struck by all the verses that were sung from the books of Isaiah and Hebrews. We studied Isaiah last year in BSF and this year we're studying Hebrews. I had a few teary moments throughout the evening as I reflected on the vastness of what Christ did for me.

We got home after 10 p.m. My mom, sister and the kids were still alive. My sister got to change a monumental poopy diaper in our absence. I do say, "got to" because diaper changing is one of those skills one really shouldn't lose through lack of practice. I owe ya, Ems.

Last night Grace and I packed snacky dinners in paper sacks and popcorn in cute popcorn sacks that I'd been saving for some sort of occasion. The occasion was a road trip to go see a small town's lighted farm implement parade. We ate our dinners on the way in the van while we listened to Christmas music.

When we rolled into town at 6:25 p.m. (five minutes before the parade start time), only to get stuck in the long line of cars all with the same idea we had, I thought we'd for sure miss the big event. Turns out, by some miracle--and I was praying for one--we found a parking spot for our big van and were able to get nine people, their mittens, coats, hats, chairs and blankets arranged at the very end point of the parade so that we didn't end up missing a thing.
The boys especially were very impressed with the big tractors, grape pickers and semi-trucks. I enjoyed seeing the looks of awe on their faces. Isaac was so bundled up he wasn't able to suck his thumb, which he didn't like. However, he started groovin' when a truck playing Jose Feliciano's "Feliz Navidad" went by.
We were all frozen by the time the parade was over. We trudged back to our van and realized were weren't going any where fast with all the traffic trying to leave, so I ran into the grocery store and brought back donuts to my crew. The van erupted in applause and "Thanks, Mommy!" So I got to go home with the "Best Mommy of Parade" award which was pretty cool. When tomorrow rolls around and I start cracking the whip on chores and school work, I'm sure that award will be revoked. For now, though, I'll bask in its glory.

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