Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy: Fourfold

I'm reading All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot to the kids. Between Herriot's large vocabulary and his employment of dry English humor and different Yorkshire dialects, the book was a tough sell at first. However, I persevered, hoping the the kids would soon get hooked on Herriot's descriptions of animals, nature and his boss Seigfried's larger-than-life personality. They did. Now Paul is often found rolling on the floor in gales of laughter during our reading times.Grace and my father-in-law spotted this secretary's desk at Goodwill last Saturday (Grandpa had taken Grace out for a driving lesson and ended up in a few places he probably never visits--true grandfatherly love.) My Matthew took me into town to get a good inspection of the desk. I liked what I saw and Matt thought it was passable, so for $25, I became the proud owner of a very cute accent piece for my kitchen. I think it'll be functional, too. Paul already has plans to sort the mail daily into the different slots. The drawers will be handy for storing gloves and mittens or maybe even socks. Most of the time, my little boys think that socks aren't worth the bother, but maybe if they were located within a twelve inches of their shoes, they'd be more likely to be used. A mother can hope, can't she?
Sin Dawg by Dave's Killer Bread. Need I say more? But for the uninititiated, I will. I blame my mother for getting me started on these little logs of seedy, cinnamony deliciousness. My kids are addicted, too. I was too cheap to buy them for myself until Costco started carrying them as a two pack for a better price than Fred Meyer. Now I rarely leave Costco without Sin Dawgs. Evil, yes, but oh so good. Carb-o-licious.
A new clothes washer and dryer. Our other set served us well for many years, but after many repairs by Matt and a long line of repairmen, we decided to upgrade. We'd been talking about it for over a year, but finally chose to take the plunge about a month ago. After price comparisons at different stores all over town, we bought these at Costco--they beat out everyone else by a few hundred dollars. These beauties have been fabulous. More capacity. Less time for each load. Steam in the dryer. Two to three loads a day--no problem. Matt even installed a counter top for me, which has been so handy. Incidentally, we sold our other washer and dryer on Craiglist. Matt priced the set at twice what I thought he should have. Within seven minutes of the posting being published, we had our first caller. He came and bought the set, but not before eight other people called--one lady even said she'd offer us $50 more than the asking price, sight unseen.

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