Saturday, September 1, 2012

Jude is Four

Jude got so used to showing people four fingers to represent his age in the weeks before his birthday, that he insisted he would be turning five, not four, last Sunday. We had a nice little celebration with Grandpa Tom and Grandma Jane on Friday night. They gave Jude a wallet complete with a $1 bill. Auntie Em provided additional funds to put in the wallet, which made the newly-four-year-old boy an official Mr. Money Bags.
On Sunday, Jude's godparents invited us to their house for dinner and swimming. Peggy made a scrumptious meal, as always and Floyd kept the kids entertained with his tall tales, as usual. Jude received a toy motorcycle which pops wheelies as it races across the floor. This gift appealed to Jude's desire for anything dangerous, minus the actual bodily harm factor, so both boy and parents were pleased.
Grace made a rocket cake, per Jude's request. Jude received a bicycle helmet with rockets on it from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Dianne for his birthday, which has piqued his interest in all things space.

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