Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Little Rajah

Our family has taken to calling Isaac the Little Rajah.  Since he's the smallest person in our household, he has become quite spoiled.  An often heard phrase at our house these days is, "He's the Little Rajah.  Give him what he wants."

What's that?  You want yet another graham cracker?  Why certainly.  Oh, you want to take off your clothes and put on your p.j's in the middle of the day?  Well, let me help you change.  You want to read that book right now?  No problem, just let me put down this spoon.  The others don't need dinner right away, do they?

Even Joel and Jude (generally) give Isaac what he wants.  They're quick to surrender a car or a toy horse in deferrence to the Little Rajah.

The Little Rajah has also discovered that if he flashes that deadly little toothy grin of his, he can pretty much absolve himself of any wrong doing, especially when he's caught in the act.

Now that the Little Rajah is nearly two, it's time to start cracking down on the "I'm-a-prince-so-give-me-what-I-want" behavior.  Too bad he's so darn cute.  It makes it awfully difficult to follow through, even with the best of intentions. 

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