Thursday, January 10, 2013

Advent to Epiphany: A Recap

Our December seemed to go by in a blur, even though the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas was longer this year.  

We did a good job of keeping up with our Advent wreath, lighting a candle each Sunday.  Our family also partook of a soup supper and Advent service at church one Wednesday evening.  However, we didn't do so great with our Jesse Tree.  We hung the ornaments in stops and spurts.  We'll make an effort to do better next year, as the tree really is an important teaching tool for the kids, covering the entire Gospel story from the beginning of the Bible to the end.

The big girls helped me wrap all the Christmas presents (except their own).  I can't tell you how much I revel in not having the present wrapping responsibility anymore.  The girls also helped me get some of my baking done (cranberry coffee cake, eggnog bread and fruit cake) as well as tackling their own baking projects (Grandpa Bob's Famous Bourbon Balls, cinnamon and orange rolls).

Grace, Paul and Lydia played piano in a little recital.  Grace also sang, accompanied on the piano by her teacher.  They all did a beautiful job.  We also had some friends over for our annual Christmas get together as well as hosting the Macduff family Christmas exchange.  Some years ago, the family opted to have a pizza party/present opening a few days before Christmas to eliminate some of the chaos and stress on Christmas day.

Our own family also had our annual viewing of It's a Wonderful Life, while we ate snacks and sipped sparkling cider.

Per tradition, we hosted my family here on Christmas.  My Mom, Dad, sister, niece, brother and his girlfriend as well as my aunt, uncle & cousin were in attendance.  We went to church mid-afternoon (Dad and I were a bit late on account of a small set back we had getting the prime rib into the oven).  We then came home to a Christmas feast, a time of fellowship, singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and a gift exchange.  The kids really had a blast.  One of the best parts of my Christmas was watching them.
 Almost everyone came back for breakfast on Christmas morning.  Just as we were finishing up, it started to snow.  The kids were over the moon.  "It's Christmas snow!  It's Christmas snow!" they yelled as they ran through the house.   Matt and Paul put the studded tires on the van so that we could go over the hills and through the woods to Grandmother's house later that afternoon. We had a nice, peaceful Christmas dinner and Bible time at Matt's parent's house with most of the family (a few were too sick with colds to make it).

The weekend after Christmas, we loaded up the van and headed up to spend some time with my Uncle Keith and Aunt Leanna.  The kids got to attend an impromptu sledding party, all in their honor.  My Uncle Keith's friend, Stan (the same one who gave the kids semi-truck rides last summer), invited the whole crew to his property.  Once there,  he and Matt dragged the kids' sleds behind four wheelers (at very slow speeds).  They had so much fun.  Afterwards, Stan's wife, Debbie, made all of the kids hot chocolate.  How's that for last minute hospitality?  Pretty impressive.

My parents came over and ate dinner with all of us both nights we were in town.  We celebrated Uncle Keith's and Isaac's birthdays one night.  Aunt Leanna gave Grace some sewing instruction at different times throughout the weekend.  We attended church on Sunday morning.  They saved our pew for us.

On New Year's Eve morning, Matt and the boys went duck hunting with my Dad.  Jude was absolutely insistent that he go, despite my telling him how cold and boring it would be and how very quiet he would have to be.  To no avail.  He went.  No ducks were flying that morning, so it didn't matter that Jude couldn't keep his trap shut. My Dad has the patience of Job.  All the boys liked the restaurant breakfast after the hunt the best.  Pancakes as big as dinner plates anyone?  Count Paul in.  Jude may have been a bit tired, judging by the look on his face, but ya can't keep a good man down.
When Matt and the boys came back from the hunt, Grace and I had everything packed and ready to be loaded into the van so that we could go home.  The boys loaded up and we headed out, leaving Uncle Keith and Aunt Leanna to enjoy a little peace and quiet to ring in the New Year.

When we got home, the girls and I prepared snacks.  We had another snacky/movie night that evening.  Captions Courageous was the night's showing.  We were all tucked in our beds by 9 p.m., exhausted from all the holiday fun.

On Sunday, we celebrated Epiphany with our annual Middle Eastern dinner.  We didn't invite guests this year, as we were all finishing up colds.  Daddy talked about how Jesus came for the whole world, not just the nation of Israel.  We had a good time, even if the palates of the little boys weren't exactly thrilled with the evening's offerings.  That does not include Isaac, however.  For a little guy, he sure is a big eater (he takes after his big brother Paul).

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