Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Isaac is Two

Isaac turned two at the end of December.  He's still a tiny guy.  I tried switching his clothes to 24 mos. a couple of weeks ago.  After all, our other six children were all in 24 mos. clothes before their second birthdays.  Well, the pants just fell right off.  So I compromised.  I kept out the 18 mos. pants and switched his shirts to 24 mos., as most of his long sleeved 18 mos shirts had become 3/4 length in the arms.

Isaac is still crazy about books.  In fact he was delighted to receive two new Richard Scarry books from his godmother, Julie.  She also knitted him his very own gold bug, with which he's very pleased.

Isaac is starting to learn how to stick up for himself.  If he feels as though his been wronged by one of his siblings, he yells, "Hey!"   He's also very good at saying "Plea, plea" (please) in the most adorable way.  Even if his request should not be granted, it often times is, on the basis of cuteness alone.

His eyelashes are still illegally long.  He likes to cuddle with his Mama for quiet time.  Mommy does not object to extra snuggles.  "He's spoiled," the big kids say.  Well, they just don't remember that they when they were little they were spoiled, too.

The big girls have taught Isaac some sign language, which has been very helpful.  Now he's gotten to the point where he says "thirty" (thirsty) as he's signing it.  He does the same thing with several other signs, so he really doesn't need to sign the words any more.  It's so sweet when he does, though.

Not much gets past Isaac.  If I want to ensure that something is not touched by his little hands, I have to put it away and out of sight.  Even then, he's discovered many hiding places, including the drawer where the toothpaste is kept and he's very good at unscrewing little caps. 

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