Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Joseph's Baptism

Joseph was baptized this past Sunday.  Our church baptizes infants (adults are also baptized), which can be a real sticking point for some folks.  I get that.  However, Matt and I obviously wouldn't have our children baptized as infants if we didn't believe it to be a theologically sound practice.  Good arguments by godly men have been posited by both sides of the baptism debate.  One of those is found here:  John Macarthur in defense of Credo-Baptist (believer's baptism) vs. R.C. Sproul in defense of  Paedo-Baptist (infant baptism). This debate can also be found on YouTube, for anyone who would rather listen to it, instead of reading it.

Anyway, Matt has had his heart set on a full immersion baptism for a number of months.  Martin Luther's preferred method of baptism was full immersion, specifically for infants.  When Matt approached our pastor with the idea, he was very enthusiastic.  I wasn't so sure.  Matt showed me this video of an Orthodox full immersion infant baptism.  I have to say, I still was not convinced.

So last Wednesday, Pastor came to our house so that we could have a practice session, as he had never done an infant full immersion baptism and Matt and I had never been involved with one either.  Things went fairly smoothly.  Joseph only sputtered a little bit.  Pastor, Matt and I settled on a plan.  As for me, I just committed the whole thing to the Lord.  He, as always, was faithful.

On Sunday, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and friends came to church to witness Joseph's baptism.  God saw to every detail.  Before Pastor baptized Joseph, he gave a very nice explanation of how well a full immersion baptism illustrates Romans 6. Joseph probably fared better than his mama did during the baptism.  I believe God was glorified. God, through water and the Word, accomplished His work, as only He is able to do.  It's all His grace.  He is truly rich in mercy.
Matt and I asked our three oldest children, Grace, Elizabeth and Paul, to be Joseph's sponsors.  They will be responsible to come alongside Joseph, to pray for him and to help to instruct him in the Christian faith.  In the event that something should happen to Matt and myself, they would be also be responsible for ensuring that Joseph would continue to attend regular worship services.  As a baptismal gift, the kids gave Joseph a cross to hang above his bed.  All of Joseph's siblings have crosses hanging above their beds, so the kids wanted him to have one, too.
We ended the day with lunch at our house.  It was so nice to have a fellowship time with family to celebrate such a joyous occasion.  The Lord is worthy to be praised.  Here's the video:

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