Saturday, April 4, 2015

This Place is Bonkers

When we brought our puppy Rachel home, I told Matt that since I'd had the privilege of getting up in the night to nurse eight babies, he could have the privilege of getting up in the night with the puppy.  For the first couple of months, Matt set his alarm and got up twice a night with Rachel to let her outside.  Now he (and she) are down to one time per night.

The other night he awoke at 3 a.m. to let Rachel out.  This normally only takes a few minutes, so I was surprised when Matt did not return to bed.  I was too tired to go find out why, so I stayed put.  I waited a few more minutes and then saw a flashlight beaming from the boys' room, which is adjacent to ours.

Finally, Matt came back to bed.  I asked him what had happened.  He said, "This place is bonkers."  Apparently, the girl who is in charge of getting Rachel into her crate at night failed to do so.  So Matt went on a middle of the night puppy hunt.  First he checked the girls' room.  No puppy.  Then he checked Paul's room.  No puppy and no Paul.  Last, he checked the boys' room.

Isaac was not in his bed, he was under Joseph's crib.  Paul was sleeping on the floor.  At last, the puppy was found snuggled up next to Joel in his (very high) bed.

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