Monday, September 21, 2009

Annual Tradition

We took our annual trek up North this past weekend to partake of all the German delicacies we could lay or hands on (or get our mouths around). Cabbage rolls, kartoffel und gloss, sausage, kuchen, pfeffernuese and apple strudel. We also got to participate in an all-American tradition--watching a small town parade. Jude danced to all the marching bands, Joel was most impressed with the horses and Lydia loved the princesses on the floats. All the kids managed to get a nice little stash of candy, too.

Daddy and the kids took a spin on the go carts after lunch. We went back to my aunt and uncle's house for the family "wipe out" as my sister calls it. It was there that I asked Matt why year after year, am I always so tired on this day? "Could it be the overeating?" he asked me. Maybe.

Well, we gathered up enough energy to head back downtown for dinner, which was bbq, much to Matt's delight. I even hit the last few yard sales as they were packing up for the day. We loaded into the van and headed home. God treated us to a gorgeous sunset in the west and an incredible lightening storm in the east to entertain us as we drove home. He really is something else, isn't He?

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