Friday, September 25, 2009

Lydia Logic Strikes Again

We have rules about candy at our house. Candy is not to be kept in bedrooms, it must be stored on top of the refrigerator. Candy is not to be eaten without permission from one of the parents in the house. Candy is not allowed before lunch and it's to be eaten in the kitchen only.

The other day, we found Lydia in violation of all of the house candy candy rules. It was 7 a.m. when Lydia walked into our bedroom with a sucker in her mouth (pretty brazen, I thought). I asked, "Why do you have a sucker in your mouth, Lydia?" She replied, "Because I like it."

Wednesday afternoon Paul discovered a little black piglet in our backyard. It was the cutest little thing, but fast. We couldn't catch it. It wouldn't drink out of the water bowl we tried to give it. We asked all the neighbors if they had lost a little piggy and they all said, "no." However, one neighbor didn't speak English, so that evening we decided we should try again. Maybe a child home from school could tell us if they had lost a little black piggy. When Lydia heard us discussing all of this, she ran into the house to grab her shoes.

"I can do it!" she said, "I know Spanish!" Somehow I think the conversation would have come to an abrupt halt after "Hola!" (The little piggy ran into the alfalfa field next door and we couldn't find him. We hope he found his way home again.)

Lydia is really into washing things lately. She takes her dolls and other toys to the bathroom sink to "wash them." When Daddy says "It's time for bed," she says, "I have to wash my so and so first." Today Lydia found a ladybug. A few minutes later she came up to me and said, "Momma, I washed the ladybug and it's still alive!"

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