Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Year

Today is my eldest son's eighth birthday. I can't believe how much Paul has changed this past year. The boy who couldn't be bothered when it came to sitting down and eating a meal now has a hollow leg. He has grown taller and has become more responsible and mature. Paul is a sensitive little boy. He's quite aware of others' feelings and he goes out of his way to comfort those who are hurting. Paul is also very contemplative. Sometimes he comes up with a question about the Bible or some other subject that is beyond my capability to answer and I have to say, "Go ask your Daddy."

Paul is definitely "all boy." Anything related to guns, Legos, military history, space, dirt and the like are all passions of Paul. Paul is quick to obey when I ask him to collect laundry or take out the garbage. He almost never complains and it's a very unusual day if Paul doesn't do his work cheerfully. He's a very good example to all of his siblings.

We celebrated Paul's birthday with Grandpa Tom and Grandma Jane on Saturday. Matt and I went to a homeschool conference for most of the day and Grandma and Grandpa took care of the whole brood. They even took all the kids to the park to see the Lewis and Clark reinactors. Paul was definitely in his element and of course he wore a hat befitting the occasion.

I fixed ham, cheesy potato casserole and applesauce for dinner as these were Paul's requests for his birthday. The traditional extra chocolaty chocolate cake was served for dessert. Paul was tickled to receive two new Lego sets that were picked out with love by Auntie Em, Uncle Jake and Grandma and Grandpa.

Several months ago, Paul requested that we all go bowling on his birthday. This afternoon we fulfilled that request. Paul did quite well for a first-time bowler, as did the other kids. Matt whipped us all, though. Joel was too cute. No matter how many (or few) pins were knocked over, he personally hugged and high fived every one of us after our turns were over.

Paul opened his presents from us after dinner tonight. The biggest hit was the bag pipe chanter he received from Daddy. Ever since Paul saw the young teenage boy play "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes at the homeschool conference this past spring, Paul has expressed his desire to learn how to play that quintessential Scottish instrument. Paul began practicing on the chanter as soon as he could get it out of its packaging. I do believe the laddie is well on his way to becoming a Macduff.