Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We got ten new chicks last week. These will eventually replace the low producers or non-layers in our chicken flock.
Matt and I had a nice weekend. We dropped the kids at Grandpa Bob's and Grandma Dianne's early Saturday morning. They went to the circus. Matt and I went to yard sales. Matt found a brand new $150 GE motor for $5, so he was happy. I got the set of encyclopedias for which I've been looking for $5, so I was happy. Let the writing exercises begin. I'm sure the kids will be thrilled.
Saturday night we went to our favorite Italian restaurant and then came home and watched a documentary. We're getting so exciting in our old age. Sunday morning we attended church sans kids. Weird--that's all I have to say.

Sunday afternoon the kids were returned to us. We missed them something fierce, so it was a happy reunion.

Our garden still isn't planted, but since it froze last night, I feel a lot better about that. Maybe this weekend we'll get some seeds in the ground.

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