Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Eldest Boy is Now 9

We celebrated Paul's ninth birthday on Sunday with Grandpa Tom, Grandma Jane, Auntie Em and cousin Raphaella. Paul chose ham for his birthday dinner and chocolate cake (surprise, surprise) for dessert.Paul's actual birthday was Monday, so I took the kids to the park to play late in the afternoon. They got their swinging, sliding and water wading fix which will have to last them through the winter. Our favorite park is closed from Oct. 1 through Apr. 1. It sure hasn't felt like Fall around here, with temperatures reaching almost 90 degrees every day. I sure am glad I'm behind in the bi-yearly seasonal clothes switch. The kids have utilized their shorts over the past few days, which has been a blessing. Our washer broke this past weekend and nobody has had any clean jeans left to wear.

Anyway, Paul is now a year older and wiser (sometimes).

1 comment:

strawberry_kid said...

Happy Birthday Paul! I love the picture of you blowing out the candles. Your gift will be brought over soon. Sorry you don't have it yet. ~Aunt Julie