Monday, September 13, 2010

We Have a Young Lady

Grace turned fifteen last week. As a parent, when you're drowning in spilled milk, bodily fluids and endless diaper changes, it's hard to believe what everyone says, "It goes by so fast." But it has. I can't believe Matt and I are the parents of a fifteen year old. Grace still has her fiery red hair, but she's traded her pink rubber boots and birthday suit (her favorite "outfit" as a toddler) for cowboy boots and long feminine skirts.

We celebrated Grace's birthday with both sets of grandparents on two different days. Grandpa Tom and Grandma Jane gave her tickets to go see the musical South Pacific with them in October. Grandma Dianne and Grandpa Bob gave her a Laura Ingalls Madame Alexander doll. We gave her the family camera, as she is now the official photographer of the family.
The day after her birthday, Grace got to go visit my Aunt Leanna and Uncle Keith for a couple of days. The small town in which they live is readying itself for its annual German festival. Grace got to help the Lutheran church ladies prepare approximately 550 apple strudel to sell at the event. The dough is rolled out paper thin and then covered with butter, cinnamon sugar and chopped apples. It's then rolled into a strudel and baked. It's quite a labor intensive process. Grace enjoyed working with all the women (and some men) of the church to prepare the special dessert.

Elizabeth and I finished off the canning while Grace was gone. The whole family went to pick Grace up and bring her home. We were all glad to have our level-headed red head back with us once again.

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