Sunday, October 2, 2011

Paul is 10

Paul hit the decade old mark this past Tuesday. Sometimes I get my other kids' birthdays mixed up in my head, but I never forget Paul's birthday. He was born shortly after 9/11. I remember our good friends Brian and Julie came over on 9/12 (Matt and Brian were told not to report to work that day) and helped us get things ready for Paul's impending birth. Julie and I organized baby stuff while we watched the t.v.

I remembered wondering why we were bringing another child into this crazy, broken sinful world. A couple of days before my due date Paul got himself into a breech position. It happened one night before bed and then I didn't feel him move all night, so I went to the hospital first thing in the next morning.

It was then that I was told my little baby boy had gotten himself all turned around and upside down. The doctor got him turned, broke my water and we waited for Paul to join the world. Then things turned really bad really fast. Paul was in distress and had to come out NOW. The doctor was able to get him out with the help of the vacuum. He had the umbilical cord all twisted around his neck and he was a floppy blue noodle. The nurses whisked Paul away to the NICU, but Paul quickly recovered and soon he was cuddled up next to me. I was so humbly grateful to God for saving our son's life, even though he would be a part of this crazy, broken sinful world.

So this past Tuesday, after we had eaten cake and ice cream and Paul had opened his presents, Matt retold the story of Paul's birth. The whole family agreed that God must have a plan and purpose for Paul's life.

On a lighter note, Paul chose to have both ham and turkey for his birthday dinner, which we celebrated with Grandpa Tom, Grandma Jane and Auntie Em on Friday. We also had mashed potatoes, sage dressing, corn (which we froze fresh a couple of weeks ago), rolls and strawberry jam and apple strudel (compliments of Great Uncle Keith).

It was a feast o' carbs, just like the meals that Almanzo Wilder enjoyed when he was a boy. I reread the Little House on the Prairie series to the kids this past summer. Paul's favorite book was Farmer Boy. The descriptions of all the sumptuous meals that mother served the Wilder family are what gave Paul the idea for his birthday menu. He had the meal planned in his head several months ago.

Thankfully, I had both a turkey and a ham in the freezer that needed to be used up. Needless to say, all the birthday party attendees were happy with Paul's choices as well.
Yesterday, Paul's godfather, Brian, took him to a rocket launch. He returned home smiling from ear to ear. I got to hear everything I ever wanted to know about rockets and how far they can fly and what type of engines they have and all the rest.
Paul is becoming a strong young man. He has a great sense of humor, he's a terrific help to his Mama and Daddy and his heart is soft to the things of God. We love our Mr. Paul so very very much.
(last 2 pictures taken by Uncle Brian)

1 comment:

strawberry_kid said...

Glad to hear Paul had a good time. The photos you used of the shoot were our favorites too. "A decade" sounds soooo old.