Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wisdom from Lydia

Last week I was helping Paul complete his BSF lesson and I reminded him of a story from his early childhood.  Paul was about four or five at the time.  Our family was involved in a local homeschool co op that year.  While the older kids took homeschool enrichment classes on Friday mornings, Paul went to the little preschool class.  One day he came home with a small booklet.  One picture in it showed Jesus on the cross.

Apparently in class that day, the teacher had gone over the fact that everyone is born into sin and can do nothing to save themselves from sin.  She told the kids that Jesus came to earth to die in our place, taking the punishment we deserve, so that He could redeem us and so that we might live eternally with Him.

Paul and I were in the car alone later that day and he began to weep over his sin and the fact that Jesus died for him.  I was a bit surprised, to say the least, but knew that the Holy Spirit was working on my little boy's heart and bringing him to faith in Jesus Christ.  I prayed with Paul in the parking lot of the grocery store.

As I related this story to Paul last week, his eyes welled up with tears as he listened.  I also told him what his preschool teacher said to me when she heard about our parking lot prayer.  She said she thought the Lord must have great things in mind for Paul, to bring him to Himself so early in his life.

Then Lydia, who had been sitting at the table with Paul and me and listening to our conversation, said, "Yes.  The Paul in the Bible was older when he learned about Jesus because they didn't have preschools back then."

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