Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Good Day

Yesterday was a good day.  I got to the dollar store in time to buy the advance edition of the Sunday paper.  I buy a few papers every week for the coupons, but the competition around here is tough.  If I'm not there early, I miss out.  However, yesterday I made it in time, plus I had a chance to squeeze in a walk and shower before I left for the store.  So the day started off well.

After I got home, the kids and I sat down and made good progress on our BSF lessons.  Lydia told her older siblings how to spell, "Tigris River."  I had a nice conversation with my mom on the phone.  She was excited because it was snowing where she & Dad live.  She always gets to enjoy snow before I do.

It's getting cold here.  Matt and the boys drove out to the country to pick up a cord of firewood yesterday morning.  He got back to the house in time to sell his 1994 Subaru Legacy.  It had only been on Craigslist for a few hours.  Matt bought the car used ten years ago and drove it to work and back every day.  He bought it when it had 115,00 miles on it and then put another 90,000 miles on it.   

Grace worked hard outside all day, cleaning the chicken coop and the shed, putting away the patio furniture and the bikes for the winter.  Liz helped her with the shed and she also helped me get some work done at church.  Matt and Paul sorted and stacked the firewood.

Early in the evening, Matt got a good fire going in the fireplace and I made chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Grace made two loaves of challah bread.  We celebrated Shabbot last night, something we haven't done for a long time.  For dessert, we ate apple pie that I had made from the Granny Smith apples we picked a few weeks ago.

After dinner, Grace and I got the kitchen cleaned up and got breakfast going for this morning.  Daddy gave the boys haircuts (Isaac is nearly bald! oh well, it'll grow) and they all got baths. Jude put on his heavy fleece pajamas.  I finally gave him permission to wear them as it was cold enough here that I knew he wouldn't wake up in the middle of night because he was too hot.  He was one tickled little boy--he's been dying to wear those p.jers.

Matt stoked the fire one last time before we headed to bed and aside from a low battery alarm from one of Matt's electronic devices (we finally figured out where the noise was coming from), we had a restful night's sleep.

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