Thursday, November 1, 2012

Reformation Party 2012

Matt & I weren't so sure we wanted to go through with our family's annual Reformation Party this year.  Matt had a major work project coming to completion and our party would be smack dab in the middle of it.  We seriously considered bagging the whole thing.  However, we thought we could make a go of it and we're glad we did.
Matt decided this year's theme would be "The Saints."  A saint is any believer in Jesus Christ.  Matt gave Grace & I the names of five saints from history and we set to work designing games and activities to teach the kids about those folks.  The five saints were: Dorcas from the Bible, Alfred the Great, James Clerk Maxwell, John Knox and George Mueller.
We had a nice turn out for our party--12 adults and 13 kids, plus our own family.  We started with dinner and fellowship, then moved into a worship time and then onto the craft and games.  This was the first year that we had a different "track" for the older kids to follow.  They're getting too old for kiddie games, so Matt designed a scavenger hunt for them to do outside.  The kids used their flash lights to look for clues all over our property.  The trail of clues followed the travels of John Knox.
We ended the evening with worship.  The kids seemed like they were engaged and really listening this year.  Hopefully some of what they learned will stick in their little brains and go deep into their hearts.  Once again, God was gracious to provide our family with the time and energy to pull together another Reformation Party.




I would be remiss if I didn't thank Matt's folks for their help before and during the party.  Thanks go to Brian for constructing a French Galley boat (on very short notice, too!) and to Julie for helping the little kids with the craft.  Also, Tamara took pictures to record the evening as Grace was too busy to be holding a camera.

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