Thursday, February 28, 2013

Boy Scout Wannabe

The other day,  Jude came to me and told me he is big enough to be a Boy Scout now.  One has to be eleven to start in Boy Scouts, but this rule does not concern Jude, who frequently informs me of his maturity and how he should be the exception to such rules.

Apparently Jude perused Paul's Scouting magazine and came across a vintage picture of a Boy Scout.  He promptly hunted down his little brother's cowboy hat, put it on and told me he could be a Boy Scout because he had the proper hat.  Joel said, "You cannot!  You don't have a knife and you're not old enough to have one yet!"

Not to be deterrred, Jude sincerely informed me that he "would listen to the guy and do what he says and be a good boy."

About twenty minutes later, I was rummaging through the freezer when I happened upon a bag of peas.  "Oh!" I said to Jude, who was standing right beside me, "I don't have to buy peas after all because I already have them."  Then picking up the green bean bag I said, "I have to remember to make some vegetables for Paul to take to his Boy Scout dinner tonight."

Jude said, "Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to be a Boy Scout and I'm going to like peas!"

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