Monday, June 10, 2013

Jude's Poor Ear

Jude got mixed up with a wasp on Saturday.  He was helping his Daddy load firewood into our trailer way out in the country.  Jude obviously disturbed the wasp's hiding place, because it released it's fury on Jude's ear.  Again. Poor guy.

When the guys arrived back home, Matt gave Jude oral Benedryl and applied topical Benedryl to the bite itself, but the medicine didn't seem to help much.  Yesterday morning when he awoke, Jude's ear was at least two times its normal size and his cheek and neck were swollen, too.  He looked like Alfred E. Neuman.  A few people at church noticed, but Jude didn't notice that they noticed.  Today his ear is looking more like it normally does.  By tomorrow, I expect it to be completely healed.

I don't know what it is about boys and their ears, but they seem to have ears that are really attractive to bugs.

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