Monday, May 11, 2015

A Tale of Two Dishwashers

I suppose I should have written this post over a year ago, but I didn't.  I guess the benefit in the delay is that time has given me a very good idea of how much I truly love having two dishwashers.  Love, love, love.

I resisted the idea of adding another dishwasher for over a year.  Matt came up with the idea.  He knew it needed to happen.  I knew I'd have to give up some cabinet space in order to make room for another dishwasher and it seemed like too big of a trade off.  But the dishes finally got the better of me.  The dirty dishes that is.  Always, always dirty dishes in the sink.  I couldn't take it anymore.

So we took the plunge.  I had a cabinet guy take out one cabinet and one drawer and I rearranged the kitchen.  I got rid of a bunch of stuff and found new places for the stuff I wanted to keep.  It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  
Christmas dinner.  No problem.  Passover Seder.  Gottcha covered.  Canning season.  No problemo.  I have thanked the Lord many times over the past year for giving me another dishwasher.  We run between 3 and 4 loads of dishes per day.  I no longer have the stress of needing to decide if I should run the dishwasher before dinner or wait until after dinner, knowing that not all of the dishes will fit and I'll have dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed, again.  Waking up to a dirty kitchen makes me cranky.   

The main problem now stems from the arguments that arise over who unloaded a dishwasher and when.  We're all about fairness around here.  The kids haven't a clue how spoiled they are in not having to wash and dry the dishes by hand.  In fact, the other day, Lydia didn't believe it when her older sister told her that Matt and I were alive before the internet.  Maybe our family should get radical and go off grid.  Only problem is that Mama loves her modern day amenities as much as her children do.       

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