Monday, September 10, 2007

Everything is Father-Filtered

We missed our appointment for our scheduled tour of the National Archives this morning by 15 min. (Who knew it would be so complicated to buy tickets for the Metro train?). Anyway, it turned out to be a blessing because once we made it through security, we all got to take our time seeing everything we wanted to see. The kids even got to sign a copy of the Declaration of Independence, knowing they could lose their fortunes, their families, even their very lives by doing so. They didn’t even hesitate.

The kids and I have been reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder series and are 2 chapters short of finishing. My ears perked when I heard the tour guide began talking about homesteading to the group in front of us. I said to the kids, “Let’s get up there and listen in.” Just as we arrived, he asked the group (all older people) if they knew who Almanzo Wilder was. None of them knew so Grace raised her hand. When the tour guide called on her she said, “Didn’t he marry Laura Ingalls?” Then he pulled from his folder a copy of the original homestead claim signed by Almanzo Wilder. We were ecstatic—a God moment indeed.--Mel

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