Monday, September 10, 2007

Second Day part 1

A bit early to us west coasties, we headed into the city via the subway. Lydia was anxious but settled in once we started. At 9:15, the rush was over, and we had plenty of room to enjoy the ride. We were a bit late but by God's grace were still allowed into the National Archives for our tour time. No flash pictures were allowed in the National Archives so we didn't risk. We got to see all the important documents in rotunda including the Declaration and Constitution etc. They have imposing looking guards standing up on steps next to the Constitution. I was holding Joel and trying to show the kids what it was while trying to avoid drawing a reprimand when one of them asked me if I had a "sack of potatoes". She was referring to Joel, and he had been doing his cute thing while I was holding him. Both guards were taken with him.

They had a lot of kid-friendly exhibits with interesting stuff for parents. Lydia liked to use the phones to listen to various old speeches while Paul was watching the military ads of the past 50 years. We found that the basement cafeteria was very reasonably priced and good food. We did have a communication issue as I had to give the order about 4 times before they got it all. It does throw people off when 1 person orders food for 7.

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