Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Third Day

It rained most of the night with spurts of rain all morning. We also weren’t as sunny this morning. The trek from Monday took its toll. Paul especially was lying low with a fever. Tylenol and Gatorade got him fired up to go see Mount Vernon but by 12:30 he was crashing. We realized the rest of us weren’t doing much better and opted for quiet-time after lunch.

Like everything else, Mount Vernon is a place you could spend a day. God granted a break in the rain such that it didn’t rain much while we were outside. We didn’t see half the exhibits but did get the tour of the house. Here is a great picture of the house with a couple of people in front of it.

Our kids were able to pose with the Washingtons for this one. Note these are Martha’s grandchildren, (she was widowed) as George didn’t have any children.

After QT, Paul was worse, so Grandma stayed with Paul and Lydia while the rest of us went to explore “everything else in DC”(ha). We were a sitcom. “Look kids there’s some memorial." “Look there’s another one." “Where are we?” “Why would they put a dead end here?”

We tried to visit Union Station (built by my great-great-grandfather ("Yes Elizabeth, he had some help”) but the big-city traffic/process of it was too much. We found our way out of town and ate 2 blocks from our hotel.

Five-Guys burgers is according to Grace “The best burger I’ve ever had.” (I would say it’s at least the top 5 but to say more would require further review.)

By the time we returned Paul had revived and we all said our prayers. Not the day we had planned, but God in His mercy provides just what we need. We were overdue for rest and we got some.

Tomorrow we will try for the double-play as we travel to Monticello and then Jamestown and finally our hotel in Williamsburg.

The more I learn about Washington, the more impressed I am. He was man of great character and chosen by God to serve a great purpose.

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