Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bye Bye Binki

Lydia took the big plunge this last week. She took all of her binkis to her three year well check and gave them all to Dr. A so that he could distribute them to little babies who need them. She was so proud of herself--until we got home and it was quiet time. I gave her a stuffed moose from my gift closet as a "sleeping buddy," but even this didn't stop the cries of, "Momma, I want my pink binki back." Needless to say, quiet time was a bust, which was less disappointing for her than it was for momma who really needed a nap. She didn't fall asleep until 9:30 that night, but she did make it through the night without waking (thank you, Lord). She has occasionally asked for her binki over the last couple of days, especially when she gets her feelings hurt, but all and all she's doing quite well. The anticipation was much worse than actually executing the plan. Matt and I had geared up for a week-long siege and thankfully it did not materialize. You'd think we'd be quite experienced in the parenting department by now, but we're still learning all the time. Thank the Lord that He gives us the grace to cover our lack of consistency and the occasions when we're just downright lazy in the training up of our children.

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