Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Toothless Wonder Turns One

Little Joel turned one on Friday. That's right, he still has no teeth. His main source of nutrition is bananas, which he absolutely loves. He eats at least two per day. We just peel one and hand him the whole thing. Within three minutes he's got it devoured, often stuffing the last third into his mouth, chipmunk (or monkey) style. He is beginning to walk, just a couple of steps before he loses his courage and sits down. One of his favorite games to play is "peekaboo" with his sister Lydia--except she says, "bugaboo!", to which Joel giggles uncontrollably. By the way, last night I was checking Joel's bottom gum line and what did I discover, but the tiniest edge of his teeniest first tooth just beginning to break through. Maybe he'll branch out from his banana diet soon. In the meantime, we thank the Lord for this little one's life. He's been such a blessing to our family--a constant source of joy and laughter for all of us.

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