Sunday, February 24, 2008

Paul the Wanna Be Newspaper Boy

Paul has a haversack from Williamsburg that he received as a gift from Grandma Dianne in remembrance of our trip to WA D.C. As of late, he has discovered the joy of taking mail to and from the mail box in it. Then he got the bright idea of delivering newspapers, which would have the added bonus, he contended, of contributing to the family income--and how convenient to have a haversack to carry the papers. Daddy and I have talked to him, on occasion, about the responsibility he will someday have as the provider for his wife and children. I think these conversations may have spurred his thinking in this area. He bugged and bugged me about the newspaper carrier idea while Matt was in Chicago this past week. I told Paul he'd have to ask Daddy when he got home. I privately forewarned Matt that the subject may come up. Paul was not easily dissuaded when the conversation actually happened. "I think there is an age limit in order to be a paper carrier, Paul." "Oh, I hope it's six!"

Daddy went on to give Paul the option of doing some extra chores around the house to earn some money. "That doesn't make any sense, because then I'll just be giving your money right back to you," he said. Well, it's getting harder and harder to pull the wool over our firstborn boy's eyes.
Mr. Paul is definitely growing up.

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