Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Return of the Bugs

Our house has been slammed hard with a second wave of the sickies. So far, we've caught every bug I've heard is "going around" this Fall. This past weekend Paul, Grace and myself all had the stomach bug. Then Grace and Paul came down with a throw down version of a cold--it's nasty. Monday night, Matt and I basically lined up most of the kids before bed and gave them Advil or Tylenol as they were running temperatures. Thankfully, Jude has not had any fever, but he has been a tiny bit congested and his ear infection has recurred. Matt and I are still standing, but with our constant sleep deprivation, our resistance is definitely down.

In the meantime, Lydia has regained her ability to speak and she's making up for lost time. She talks so much that, honestly, a lot of the time my brain just doesn't even process what's she's saying. She has said some funny things the last few days, though.

Today Lydia and I went to BSF together. When we got home, I noticed she had a hole in the knee of her overalls. I asked her how it happened. She said, "Mommy, my knee is just getting bigger."

Lately when I tell Lydia to do something (and she's in a compliant mood) she'll pull a Peppermint Patty (from "Peanuts" fame) on me. For instance, Lydia wanted to help me make dinner. I told her to pour the can of green beans into the pot. She responded with, "Yes, sir." Or, "Lydia, if you want to go to the store with me, you'll have to get your shoes on." "Yes, sir!"

Lydia had a picture of George Washington that she wanted me to i.d. for her.
"Who is this, mommy?" she asked.
"That's George Washington, the first president of our nation."
"Is he dead?"
"Yes, he is."
"Did he die on the cross for our sins like Jesus?"

Well, obviously that needed a bit of clarification. Yes, Lydia has her voice back and it's fitting that I end this post with her own words. "Mommy, I can talk really loud again!"

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