Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Traditions

Our family has tried to implement traditions that make us pause and appreciate Thanksgiving rather than rush through it in anticipation of the countdown to Christmas. We don't seem to pause for long, as everything seems to get rushed in our family, but we do try.

We got the Thanksliving Treasures box at the Bible bookstore a few years ago. The box includes a devotional booklet, postcards of pilgrim art and small objects (such as an itty bitty Bible) to teach kids about the Christian heritage of our nation. We usually pack all of the devotions into a couple of nights because we never seem to be organized enough to do one devotion every night the week before Thanksgiving. I really like the kit because it's so visual and I think the kids are able to understand things better when they can actually see them.

The last few years, we've had a Mayflower Dinner one night during the week of Thanksgiving. We got this idea a few years ago from one of my favorite homeschool companies. We all crowd into the coldest, darkest area of the house and eat dried beef and hard tack while we listen to an ocean sounds CD. We pretend we're on the Mayflower as we read from the book Stories of the Pilgrims by Margaret B. Pumphrey . Then we head to the kitchen and eat chowder by candlelight. The kids love it and reinacting (albeit on a very comfortable level) the harsh conditions the pilgrims faced helps the kids grasp the concepts better. The pilgrims gave up all worldly comforts so they could raise their children to God's glory. Every year at this time I ask myself if I'd be willing to do the same (I do love my worldly comforts). If you want more details about the Mayflower Dinner, click here.

Tonight we'll celebrate this year's Mayflower Dinner. We'll be eating turkey soup instead of chowder,though, as I cooked a turkey on Sunday and made broth from the carcass yesterday. We're also planning on watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on t.v. tonight. We'll snuggle up together in the family room and watch the Peanuts gang eat popcorn and toast, just like they do every year. Ahh . . . tradition.

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