Monday, March 9, 2009


Last night we attended an integrated family worship service. We traveled the forty minutes (thinking it would only be thirty) and thought we would most certainly be late. No matter--the event was on homeschool time and had not yet started when we arrived. I had warned my children that they wouldn't be able to play with their friends (who were also in attendance) until after the worship service. Lydia was most displeased with this idea. Paul, trying to bring her some comfort, said this to her: "Lydia, it's like when you have to eat the hamburger before you can eat the french fries."

Actually, the kids did quite well--for the first hour. At 8 p.m. (their normal bedtime, the littles started melting, so I took them to the nursery until the service was over at 9 p.m. Afterwards, we all enjoyed dessert and fellowshipped with the other families. The men prayed and we women had time to talk with one another. I was greatly encouraged to talk to some older godly women who have gone before me and told me that I too, with God's grace, would most certainly complete the journey. We didn't get home until almost 11 p.m. We're hoping that the once- monthly meetings will begin a little earlier in the future so that we won't have post-event grumpies like we experienced today. Thank goodness it's now bedtime.

1 comment:

jHummel said...

hey, I think I got this thing to work! saw Emily at Macy's, she said you are still under the weather, I will pray for you. By the way do you have a book called Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult? I'd like to read it, but can't find it. I started Fireproof tonight. Take care.