Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quotable Quotes

Elizabeth about Jude: "He's named after an ice cream sandwich." (For the uninitiated--"Fat Boy")

Elizabeth to Daddy: "Have you asked Mrs. H if I can help in the nursery [at church] yet?"
Grace: "Elizabeth, she already said, 'no.' "
Elizabeth (with hands on hips): "That was when I was 9 [in Dec.], now I'm 10!"

Grace to Lydia: "Everything belongs to God. He gives us things to take care of and we are just borrowing them from Him."
Lydia: "Well, I guess I need to borrow [my favorite] blanket from Him for a while longer."

Mommy to Joel: "Joel, you come back inside right now. You're not allowed to be outside by yourself."
Joel (head hanging): "Awwww, Mom!"

Mommy to Paul: "I think you may have gotten that junk that's going around."
Paul: "You mean. . . 'the fly?' "

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