Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shot in the Arm

The past seven years we have been blessed to attend a homeschool conference every spring. These conferences give Matt and I the "shot in the arm" we need to continue "pressing on" down the path the Lord has chosen for our family.

This year in particular, I was at an all time emotional low in regards to homeschooling before we attended the conference. Sometimes the amount of work this lifestyle requires doesn't seem worth it. This year at the conference, the Lord once again reminded me of the eternal purposes He has in mind for our family through homeschooling. It was just what I needed.

Matt had the opportunity to ask the keynote speaker of the conference, Dr. Voddie Baucham, one of his ever-gnawing theological questions. I was able to purchase one of Dr. Baucham's books and have him sign it for me, so I was pleased.

Paul lusted after a replica of William Wallace's sword all weekend long. Every time we entered the vendor hall, he went straight to the thing to look at it and pull it out of it's scabbard. Paul was convinced he had enough money saved to cover the cost. The sword was taller than he is, but he really, really wanted it. My feminine hormones prevented me from understanding the attraction, but the man at the booth said he completely understood. He had purchased one of the swords for himself as soon as the company started selling them. Matt confirmed that yes, men are naturally attracted to weaponry. "Who wouldn't want a sword?" I convinced Paul to settle for the original Boy Scout Handbook instead. I told him we'd consider purchasing the sword for him in a couple of years. Mommies--they just don't get it.

Overall, the littles did much better than I had expected, even during the long car rides to and from the conference. However, we were all very happy to be in our own beds last night. Something about home--absence does make the heart grow fonder.

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