Saturday, June 20, 2009


We did something wild, crazy and spontaneous yesterday (at least for our family). I saw a couple of very favorable reviews for the movie "Up" online. I called Matt at work to tell him about it and he decided to take a bit of time in the middle of the work day so that we could go see a matinee.

We almost never go to movies, so the kids were really tickled with such an unlikely surprise in the middle of a "chore" day. Lydia kept wanting to take a bag full of toys so she would have something to do. I talked to her down to one toy, which she handed me "to put in my purse" five minutes after the movie started. Joel's jaw was on the floor and his eyes were bugged out as soon as the previews ran. Paul laughed his guts out. Even little Jude did very well. Matt splurged on the grande size popcorn and with our hungry brood we took full advantage of the free "big tub" refill.

The movie showcases a loving and committed marriage, which is very refreshing in this day and age. We all agreed that the movie "Up" deserves two thumbs up.

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