Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Fun

The kids and I recently visited an apple orchard with several other homeschool families. We pressed apple cider and each family was able to take home eight gallons of yummy goodness.

Yesterday the kids and I met up with the rest of the cousins and Grandma for our annual pumpkin patch hay ride. Unfortunately, instead of our usual crowd of four Macduff generations, we were down to three this year. Grandma Ethel (age 96) couldn't make it as she's been under the weather lately. She was greatly missed by all.
The pumpkin patch we've been frequenting for the last fifteen years has increasingly gone in a more commercial direction. We decided we wouldn't miss the crowds (hoards, actually) and lack of personal attention, so we chose a different location this year.
The farmer was very personable. He took us all on an extra long hay ride, let the kids try out his tire swings and even gave us a discount on the gargantuan pumpkins that the boys (and one girl) chose. The pumpkins were so big that the farmer used his fork lift to load them into the backs of our vans. The farm had a spectacular view, the rain threatened, but thankfully it didn't produce and we had a very peaceful, enjoyable morning. (It was also nice that we were the only family there at the time because it's a lot easier to keep track of fifteen kids when they're not getting all mixed up with other little people.)

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