Monday, November 23, 2009

God's Power Unplugged?

I had a conversation with a couple of Christian women the other day. One of them gave me the classic line, "I could never homeschool. I just don't have the patience for it." The other woman chimed in, "Me neither." Not being the time or place to get into such matters, I changed the subject.

But, what I wanted to say was, "Do you think I have the patience to homeschool? I'm the least patient person I know!" I wanted to say to the woman, "What you're really saying is NOT 'I don't have the patience for it,' but 'I don't believe God can work through me.' "

This year our family is studying the book of John. Last week we studied about how Jesus fed the five thousand. A little boy brought his meager little lunch to Jesus and Jesus transformed it into enough to fully satisfy five to ten thousand (including woman and children) people. And there were twelve baskets full of leftovers.

Jesus can take my little bit of faith in what He has called Matt and me to do in homeschooling and transform it, stretch it and multiply it beyond my wildest imaginings. I'm already getting glimpses of this in my older girls. Without any direction from me whatsoever, they have taught themselves to knit and crochet this year. They've read books, looked at videos and asked friends for instruction. They've also dragged out the sewing machine I got from a yard sale and have read the manual and figured out how to use it. When a problem arises, they troubleshoot it themselves. I've been asked to buy necessary items for repair of the machine at the sewing shop, but that's been my only involvement. The girls are now busy knitting and sewing Christmas gifts.

My oldest, of her own volition, has recently taken on a very large memorization project. The fruit being produced in this house is the Lord's doing. Matt and I have just been obedient to His Word, knowing that someday we will give an account before the Lord of how we (not the Sunday school teacher or Cub Scout leader or anyone else) discipled our children. Jesus has taken our mustard seed of faith and multiplied it. God's power is not unplugged. He is able to work through two sinful, weak parents and bring glory to His Name through the working.

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6

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