Sunday, November 29, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Matt and I were able to sneak out of town for a planned little getaway this weekend. The trip would not have been possible without Matt's mom and dad, who offered to take all six of our kids for two whole days. I was pretty concerned about leaving Jude, especially. I thought he might be fussy without his Mommy and Daddy, but all reports indicate he did quite well without us. Joel, on the other hand, was another story. He insisted on his two year old rights and ran into Grandma and Grandpa's well-marked boundaries repeatedly over the weekend. Grandma says that someday Joel's determination will come in handy.

Matt and I had a relaxing weekend exploring the countryside and some antique and thrift stores. I got a never worn pair of Hush Puppy Mary Jane shoes, which I wore to church this morning. We also enjoyed a couple of nice meals, listened to The Vienna Boys Choir and Placido Domingo sing Christmas hymns on Pandora radio and attended two very different worship services at two different churches this morning. We picked up the kids from Grandma and Grandpa's this afternoon, came home and took good naps, then awoke to get out the Christmas decorations. We'll end the evening by lighting the first Advent candle and then read our first devotion of the Advent season. We're anticipating Jesus' Advent once again and working on keeping Jesus at the forefront of our celebrations this month as we approach Christmas.

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