Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Better Late than Never

I have a couple of special recipes that I make every Christmas. One recipe is for cranberry coffee cake and the other is for eggnog bread. It's hard for me to imagine Christmas without these goodies. This past Christmas, my energy level was very low. I had to choose which of these items to bake because I just couldn't make both of them. The eggnog bread didn't make the cut. Guess what? Christmas still happened. I think I was the only one who noticed that I hadn't made the eggnog bread.

Yesterday, on January 26, I made the eggnog bread. The eggnog that I'd gotten on clearance after Christmas was about to expire. My schedule has been so full this week that I considered not making the bread at all. Truth be told I argued with myself about it for a couple of hours as I did my other chores, but I just couldn't let it go. I lost the argument with my logical "just cut your losses" self and I made the bread. Now I have four loaves of eggnog bread in the freezer. I would have had five loaves, but Jude got into one. The other kids were ecstatic. "Now we have to eat that one!"

I always like to have a few loaves of quick bread in my freezer. You never know when you'll need a last minute hostess gift or a little something to take to friend who is having a difficult time. Once the two older girls questioned me on this point. "Why are you making that if you don't know who you're going to give it to?"

That very day, just a few hours after they asked me that question, we had a friend come to our house for an emergency home repair which he did as a favor for us. Guess what he got as he was leaving? My point was proven and my methods haven't been questioned since.

1 comment:

strawberry_kid said...

This is something you taught me. Thank you. Right now I have Pineapple Zucchini Bread in my freezer waiting for the "right" person to give it to. Maybe you could share the recipe for Egg Nog Bread? Brian loves egg nog...