Sunday, February 7, 2010

Busy Weekend

We got our second installment of The Truth Project on Friday night. We're enjoying this Bible study so far, as well as our study of the Gospel of John with Bible Study Fellowship (the whole family) and our study of the Five Aspects of Woman (Melissa) and the Five Aspects of Man (Matt). We've found that being in three Bible studies is definitely a huge time commitment and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming. However, we're all learning a ton and we're becoming better managers of our time (or at least we're really trying).

Grace and I also got a little Goodwill shopping done yesterday. We didn't get what we went for, but we did come home with a fertilizer spreader for Daddy (yay for Daddy). Matt pressure washed the back porch. Between the chickens and our cow visitor, it was high time for a good cleaning. No more chicken poo in the house--at least for awhile.

Matt's parents came for dinner last night. It's been a long time since we've had some one on one time with them. It was a very relaxing evening.

Elizabeth's Davis Method teacher came after church today. She worked with Elizabeth for a couple of hours and then stayed for dinner with us. She'll be back Saturday for another visit. It was definitely a "God thing" that this woman was planning to be in town this week and could stop by to see Elizabeth instead of us traveling so far to see her.

Another busy week awaits. I made my dinner menu plan for the week today. This is one small change I've been able to make and implement consistently this year and it's relieved a lot of stress for me. It's pretty much eliminated the daily panic attack I used to have at 5 p.m.. I still have many other areas of my life that need a good deal of improvement and sometimes I just plain get discouraged. Thankfully, I have a great High Priest in Jesus who understands my weaknesses and gives me the grace I need to continue to serve Him. Praise be to God!

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