Thursday, October 14, 2010

Conversation with a Little Guy

Joel still wears his cowboy garb everyday. I let him go to bed at night wearing his jeans, belt and cowboy hat. It's just easier. I don't think having a major battle over wearing P.J.'s is worth the fight.

This morning, right after Joel woke up, we had this conversation:

"Mommy, my shirt keeps untucking," (in a frustrated tone of voice). "I can't have quiet time." (Interpretation--"My shirt comes 'untucked' when I lie down, therefore I can't lie down anymore.' ")

"Joel, sometimes clothes are just like that. The pants I wore yesterday (a poorly engineered pair of maternity jeans) wouldn't stay up and I had to keep pulling them up all day."

Joel, in a condescending "you're comparing apples to oranges" tone, replied, "But Mommy, you need a belt!"

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